Congresso aconteceu em SP entre os dias 12 e 15 de setembro
Congresso aconteceu em SP entre os dias 12 e 15 de setembro

The paper "Theoretical and experimental analysis of expansion devices for refrigeration mesosystems" authored by Joel Boeng (Polo), Cláudio Melo (Polo) and João Fábio Parise de Lara (Polo's ex-student) were chosen among the 3 best paper presented at CONBRAVA 2017, congress that was held between September 12 and 15, in São Paulo/SP.

Counting with the support from Embraco and from EMBRAPII, the paper proposed itself on studying the expansion process of HFC-134a through reduce diameter capillary tubes for miniaturized refrigeration systems. For doing so, an experimental apparatus was specifically projected and built to reproduce and control typical refrigeration mesosystems' functioning conditions. 

Download the article here


About the CIAR CONBRAVA 2017

Under the subject "Research, Innovate, Climatize, Refrigerate", the XV CONBRAVA – Congresso Brasileiro de Refrigeração, Ar Condicionado, Ventilação, Aquecimento e Tratamento do Ar (Brazilian Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Heating and Air Treatment Congress) was held between September 12 and 15 of 2017 at São Paulo Expo, in São Paulo/SP. The event was carried out jointly with the XIV CIAR - Congresso Iberomericano de Ar Condicionado e Refrigeração (Ibero-american Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Congress) and with the support from associations affiliated with FAIAR - based in Brazil, with the purpose of updating and spreading the knowledges and experiences in the Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Heating and Air Treatment areas, offering a contribution for the technological enhancement and professional development of the sector. 

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