Innovative Technologies since 1982
Polo was founded in 1982 by a group of professors at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Federal University of Santa Catarina and it is recognized as a world reference group of laboratories in research, development and innovation in Refrigeration and Thermophysics. Over more than three decades, Polo has established a tradition of excellence in research and development projects with the industrial sector, becoming the largest laboratory in Latin America and one of the largest in the world in its field of activity.
One of the Polo's goals is to train highly qualified engineers for the job market and conduct research in line with real problems in the refrigeration industry, inducing scientific and technological advances of economic and social relevance. The interaction with the industrial sector strengthens the technical staff and increases the competitiveness of partner companies, both nationally and internationally.
In its laboratories, which total 3000 m², basic and applied research is carried out to improve concepts and improve the performance of refrigeration components and systems, whether domestic, commercial, automotive or aeronautical. The activities are carried out by a technical staff of excellence formed by professors, researchers, engineers, technicians and doctoral, master and undergraduate students.
In 2009, the Polo became an INCT (National Institute of Sciences and Technology) and, in 2014, an EMBRAPII Unit (Brazilian Company for Industrial Research and Innovation). These recognitions demonstrate the quality and relevance of the activities carried out at the Hub and the commitment of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UFSC to strengthen interaction with the industrial sector as a way to improve the qualification of its professors and colaborators.
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