Sergio Luiz Dutra's final paper (TCC), entitled "Evaluation of a domestic wine cellar from the perspective of two technologies", was awarded the Honorable Mention at the ABCM-Embraer 2019 Award in the category Best Engineering Graduate Work Mechanics at COBEM 2019. The work was defended on November 29, 2018 at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), in the Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering. The work was developed with the research group on magnetic refrigeration of the Polo and was supervised by Professor Jader Riso Barbosa Junior and co-supervised by postdoctoral researcher Jaime Andrés Lozano Cadena and research engineer Guilherme Fidelis Peixer. This work was prepared within the scope of the PoloMag research project aimed at the development of a domestic wine cellar operated by a magnetic refrigeration unit. This project is being developed within the Embrapii Polo / UFSC Unit with resources from EMBRAPII, from Embraco and with an economic counterpart from UFSC.
The TCC comprised two evaluation steps of a domestic wine cellar: the first operating with the commercial refrigeration system and the second with the product cabinet coupled with an experimental apparatus developed in this work to emulate a magnetic refrigeration unit. In the first stage, reverse heat flow tests were performed to determine the overall thermal conductance of the cabinet, as well as the power consumption and temperature decay tests in accordance with the recommendations in IEC 62552 (2015); At this stage the evaluation was performed in one of the test chambers of the Polo Application Laboratory. The second step consisted of the development of an experimental apparatus (pictured below) capable of emulating the heat transfer fluid operating conditions from a magnetic refrigeration unit and coupled by different heat exchanger-fan assemblies to the cabinet previously characterized in the first step. Finally, the performance of the experimental apparatus coupled to the refrigerated compartment was analyzed and an analytical model developed at the pole was experimentally validated.