About the project
Condensers are key components of mechanical compression refrigeration systems. In these components, the heat is transferred to the environment, with significant impacts on the coefficient of performance of the system. The heat dissipation rate depends essentially on the type and geometry of the heat exchanger and the flow regime. Microchannel heat exchangers, although widely used in the automotive industry, were not usually used in domestic refrigeration because of the high cost. However, with the recent drop in cost, these heat exchangers became a design alternative, mainly because, in addition to compact, they allow high heat transfer rates per unit volume.
POLO has a wind tunnel to evaluate heat exchanger effectiveness, as well as climate chambers to evaluate condensers installed in appliances. The ongoing project at POLO aims: (i) the development of a mathematical model to predict the performance of the microchannel condenser in function of the geometry and operating conditions; (Ii) raising an empirical correlation based on tests in wind tunnel and (iii) evaluate the behavior of the microchannel condenser in a household refrigerator.