The proper functioning and reliability of electronic components depend upon adequate thermal management since high temperature isthe principal vector of failure in these devices. The growing complexityof current electronic component design associated with the everincreasingpower consumption and the continuous scale reduction placethermal management of electronics as one of the most strategic challengesfor technological innovation in heat transfer. Therefore, new conceptsfor high heat ux removal are required, such as mechanical vapor compression refrigeration, which is among the most promising activecooling technologies. This thesis presents a novel heat sink for thermalmanagement of electronic devices. The cooler was designed to operateintegrated with a compact vapor compression refrigeration system andcombines the expansion device and the evaporator in a single coolingunit, thus producing a highly eective two-phase jet impingement cooling of the heated surface. An experimental apparatus was designedand built which operates with a small-scale oil-free linear compressor using R-134a as the working uid. A purpose-built calorimeter wasdeveloped to measure the heat dissipation rate through the compressorshell, thus providing closure for the overall system energy balance. Thethermal performance of both the jet impingement cooling module andthe vapor compression refrigeration system were evaluated for a varietyof operating conditions. In addition, a comprehensive thermodynamicanalysis was performed using dierent performance metrics. Experimentshave been carried out with single and multiple orice congurationsof the jet heat sink. The inuence of the following parameters wasquantied: (i) applied thermal load, (ii) orice diameter, (iii) oriceto-heater distance, (iv) hot reservoir temperature and (v) compressorpiston displacement. At operating conditions for which the system pressure ratio ranged from 1.4 to 2.2, the two-phase jet heat sink wascapable of dissipating cooling capacities of up to 160 W and 200 Wfrom a 6.4-cm2 surface for single and multiple orice congurations,respectively, maintaining the temperature of the impingement surfacelower than 40°C with heat transfer coecients ranging from around 14,000 to 16,000 W/(m2K).
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