
Mario Sergio Ussyk


Rogério Tadeu da Silva Ferreira

Date of publication





This work encompasses the utilization of a numerical simulation program to represent the working features of a recipro­cating hermetic compressor. This program considers the valves as being made of flexible valve reeds and it includes the effects of valve stops on valves movement. The leakage through the clearance between piston and cylinder and the refrigerant as being a real gas are also considered. The most significant working parameters of the compres­sor simulation such as the pressure inside the cylinder and the deflection of both valves are compared with experimental results and a good agreement is reached. Energy and mass losses are identified and a coefficient of performance was used to establish a unified comparison between compressors working under different conditions. The most important working and constructive parameters were modified and a complete influence analysis of such„parameters on compressor performance was done.

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