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16/12/1994 Experimental analysis of the flow of refrigerant in capillary tubes
#Dissertations I want to read -
12/11/1994 Performance analysis of adiabatic capillary tubes
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/11/1994 Separation fork and heat transfer in radial flow
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/11/1994 Laminar flow through inclined refrigeration compressor valves
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/09/1994 Bifurcation and self-induced oscillations in fluid flow in radial diffusers
#Theses I want to read -
28/12/1993 Heat transfer and moisture migration in soils involving ungrounded power cables
#Theses I want to read -
01/12/1993 Numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer in the solidification of binary alloys
#Theses I want to read -
01/08/1993 Characterization of thermohydraulic properties of artificial materials for backfill of electrical power cables
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/04/1993 of Attic type of influence on thermal comfort
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/03/1993 Radiation models for application in thermal simulation of buildings
#Dissertations I want to read -
09/09/1992 Numerical study of hydrodynamic stability in radial flow
#Dissertations I want to read -
09/04/1992 Laminar flow through eccentric valve refrigeration compressors
#Dissertations I want to read