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09/04/1992 Simulation of open compressors large
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/02/1992 Dynamic Simulation of air conditioning systems behavior
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/10/1991 A calculation method for the simulation of radial bearings subjected to dynamic loading
#Dissertations I want to read -
09/04/1991 Numerical simulation of thermal power plants
#Dissertations I want to read -
05/04/1991 Numerical simulation of window air conditioners
#Dissertations I want to read -
03/04/1991 Numerical simulations of the dynamic behavior of domestic refrigerators
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/04/1991 Convective transport of heat and mass in saturated porous media
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/06/1990 Determination numerical and experimental local heat transfer coefficients in radial diffusions
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/12/1989 Flow 2: A mathematical model for the analysis of natural ventilation systems in buildings
#Dissertations I want to read -
03/08/1988 Laminar heat transfer valves compressors
#Dissertations I want to read -
09/11/1987 Moisture migration caused by thermal gradients between two impermeable borders containing an unsaturated porous media
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/07/1987 Laminar flow through compressor valves
#Dissertations I want to read