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16/05/2014 Effect of piston flow in the gap - the cylinder on the efficiency of a linear compressor operating without lubricating oil
#Dissertations I want to read -
09/05/2014 Experimental characterization of dielectric properties of oil-refrigerant mixtures
#Dissertations I want to read -
27/02/2014 Numerical and experimental investigation of the performance of Skin type capacitors in domestic refrigerators
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/01/2014 Experimental investigation of two-phase flows with phase change from a binary mixture in a venturi tube
#Theses I want to read -
25/10/2013 Experimental investigation serrated nozzle effect on the development of a turbulent jet of low Mach number
#Dissertations I want to read -
21/10/2013 Experimental analysis of the wettability of the lubricating oil on solid surfaces considering the refrigerant absorption
#Winning work I want to read -
18/10/2013 Development and experimental validation of a model for predicting the performance of rotary compressors of rolling piston
#Dissertations I want to read -
20/09/2013 Semi-empirical modeling of a frost-free refrigerator subject to opening doors
#Dissertations I want to read -
10/09/2013 A study applying transcritical cycles of CO2 in commercial refrigeration systems
#Theses I want to read -
16/08/2013 Evaluation methods based on numerical solutions of the Reynolds equations for predicting noise turbulent subsonic jets
#Dissertations I want to read -
21/02/2013 Experimental investigation of natural convection in a turbulent cavity with vertical walls at different temperatures and aspect ratio 4
#Dissertations I want to read -
01/01/2013 Two-phase flow air-water 180 curves
#Winning work I want to read