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Eduardo Alves

Eduardo Alves

+55 (48) 3721-7950

Curriculum lattes


Eduardo Bader Dalfovo Mohr Alves was born in Florianópolis, SC – Brazil. Graduated (2018) in Petroleum Engineering at Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina. Scholarship holder for Scientific Initiation at Grupo de Petrofísica e Engenharia de Reservatório – GPER, researching about the correlations of Two-Phase flow for vertical conditions with hydrocarbons producing wells. Intern at the Perforation and Flow Assurance Laboratory – UDESC where developed experiments associated with the determination of the properties of the drilling mud used in oil wells. Nowadays student for master degree at Laboratório de Pesquisa em Refrigeração e Termofísica – Polo. Has knowledge in using programming languages such as C, C++, C#, JavaScript, R, VBA, Matlab.