Vitor Hélio Fermiano Alves

+55 (48) 3721-7963


Vitor Hélio Fermiano Alves, born in São José, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Graduated as a technician in 2016-1 in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning course at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IF-SC), with integrated secondary education. He has carried out projects in the area of thermodynamics, with emphasis on systems of refrigeration, air conditioning and solar panels, developing his knowledge in CAD software. He also carried out a 6-month internship, implementing automation of air conditioning systems. After his training as a technician, he worked for 6 months in the area of air conditioning maintenance. In 2018-2 he enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering course at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). He participated in his first semester of the competition team Formula UFSC, developing projects in the area of vehicular dynamics. Currently works as a Scientific Initiation Fellow at the Research Laboratory in Refrigeration and Thermophysics (POLO-UFSC).