
Daniel Alberton Haas


César J. Deschamps

Date of publication





The temperature distribution in a reciprocating compressor affects its volumetric efficiency, lubrication and reliability. Nevertheless, the modeling of all heat transfer processes that take place in such application is a difficult task because it is strongly related to the efficiency of both the electrical motor and the crankshaft mechanism, and also the flow of lubricating oil and refrigerant fluids inside and outside the compression chamber. This dissertation presents a model based on the thermal network circuit aproach developed to predict the temperature of the components of a reciprocating compressor. The model takes into account the main heat transfer mechanisms, such as conduction, convection, radiation and advection due to the flow of oil and refrigerant. The compressor is divided into 63 simplified geometry elements in which the energy equation is applied and solved numerically, by using a thermal network circuit and heat transfer correlations available in the literature. The compressor is assumed to be in a cyclic steady-state operating condition, with the compression process and heat transfer being modeled in a segregated but coupled manner. The thermal network circuit model is computionally inexpensive and allows a thorough understanding of the heat transfer process in the compressor. After being validated with reference to experimental data, the model is used to investigate heat transfer in a reciprocating compressor under different operating conditions. Results are provided for the temperature and heat flux at different components and also for the compressor overall eficiency.

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