Happened between July 11th and July 14th the traditional Purdue Conference, on the Purdue University in West Lafayette/USA, that once again had the participation of researchers from Polo - Research Laboratories for Emerging Technologies in Cooling and Thermophysics.

The Purdue Conferences – Compressor Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning High Perfomance Buildings, or Purdue Conference, how it is commonly named, occurs biannualy and first started in 1972. Counting with 22 editions, the Conference is today an international reference in the areas of compressors and cooling, being an unique opportunity for information exchange about the most recent discoveries and highly technologic researches in development in the area.

Polo's team have already published more than 120 articles in the conference until now, 19 on this year alone - record number that reflects the advanced pace of the researches and works in progress on the Laboratories, which since 2014 acts also as Embrapii Unit - Emerging Technologies in Cooling.

Participated in the Conference the Professors Cláudio Melo, César Deschamps e Jader Barbosa. From the students' team, the doctorate students Ernane Silva, Fernando Knabben, Joel Boeng, Marco Diniz e Thiago Dutra. From the master's students' team were present Marco Timmermann, Paula do Vale Pereira e Rodolfo da Silva Espindola.

Check here the full schedule of the Congress.

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