Occured in Coimbra - Portugal, between May 3rd and May 6th of 2016, the VIII Iberian Congress | VI Ibero-American Congress of Refrigeration Sciences and Techniques. The CYTEF is organized under the auspices of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), an intergovernmental organization that promotes the technical and scientific knowledge in all of refrigeration's domains.  The CYTEF congress is a reference forum for researchers and professionals interested in the refrigeration sciences and techniques and its applications, such as: refrigeration, food processing and conservation, air conditioning and related areas.

POLO teacher, Claudio Melo, made a keynote lecture as invited panelist of the event, and that had the following title: "Household refrigeration: an overview of recent developments". Our Dr. Researcher Joaquim Manoel Gonçalves also participated in the event and presented two scientific articles: "A study about liquid separators for household refrigeration" and "Experimental characterization of isolated refrigerators with vacuum panels". Both were highlighted on its presentations in the event.

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